
All of our tutors have a broad Spanish teaching experience and are perfect for children.

Sure! You can change tutors at any time.  All our tutors have a wide range of experience and excellent qualifications. Nevertheless, each of them resorts to different learning strategies. Your child will benefit from attending classes with different tutors so we encourage your child to try different tutors over time.

Yes. We'll send you two email reminders, one email 24 hours before and another one 30 minutes in advance of your child's class.

You can cancel or reschedule a class up to 24 hours in advance with no charge. A credit for the cancelled class will be returned to your account. Within 24 hours your reserved class will be missed since your tutor will have reserved that time for your child and we cannot assign him/her any other class.

If you are unsatisfied with our program for any reason, let us know immediately after the first class and we will give you a full refund. Email us at

If in an exceptional circumstance any of our tutors has to cancel a class, we'll let you know immediately and offer you the choice of rebooking with the same tutor at a different time without losing your credit.

Before attending the class, we expect your child to do the warm-up activity and vocabulary activity after booking the class. After the class, your child will receive a personalized written feedback. In this feedback, the teacher will make comments regarding your child’s performance (knowledge on the subject, grammar use, pronunciation, etc.) in the class, make suggestions to keep on improving their Spanish, and state whether your child is ready or not to attend the next class. 

Often the class will start with the tutor and child catching up about what the child has learned in the previous class. The tutor will then introduce the topic of the class and share photos, games or other materials to look at and talk about together. A few minutes before the end of the class the tutor will wrap up and review new words.

Our online classes combine the dynamic of the web with on- and off-line assignments and are adapted to the needs of children. They focus mainly on increasing the child’s confidence when speaking Spanish by applying language-learning simulation techniques. By incorporating all four of the language skills (reading, listening, speaking, and writing) into the class we allow for each student to receive a well-rounded knowledge of Spanish. Our content includes photo galleries, games, songs and more.

No, our tutors have to follow the content of the class you have booked for your child.

No, your child won’t get a grade. However, after attending the class the teacher will tell you and your child whether he/she is ready or not to attend next class. Your child may need to repeat the class in case he or she doesn’t achieve the goals expected in such class.

We hire native Spanish Speakers who have a broad experience in teaching Spanish as a second language.  Our tutors are selected based on their educational background, experience with children and their passion for teaching.



For privacy and security purposes, all communication between the tutor and parent or child happens through the StartSpanish Kids platform and advisors. You can select the tutor you want for your child when you book a class.

We're parents too, and we take child safety really seriously. Here's what we do:

       All communication between the tutor and you or your child goes through the StartSpanish Kids platform. Your tutor won't know you or your child's last name, email address or home address.


You'll need:

       A computer, laptop, iPad or tablet with a camera and microphone (both internal and external are okay.)

       A high-speed Internet connection

       The Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox or Safari Internet browser.

If you would like to test your equipment and connection click here:

You’ll have to download the Zoom app. Once you click on the button to enter the class a window will pop up asking you to install the Zoom app. You will have to do this just once and then you’ll be ready to take the class.

If you use Parental Controls, please add to your list of trusted sites so your child can log into his or her account to start their class.

How do I change the keyboard settings on my child's computer so they reflect Spanish?

It's very easy to alter the settings on your computer to reflect either the Spanish keyboard. Click the link below for instructions:

We would love to hear from you! Just email us at: